Indonesia’s police have arrested a 29-year-old Philippians woman for killing and eating humans. This woman has killed and eaten more than 30 girls and many other humans including her husband and had kept their meat in her refrigerator.She had been enjoying eating human meat for long time.
This cannibal female had said, that she arranged many parties for her friends and relatives, to whom she had cooked and served human meat, without their knowledge. Her guests had said, that her food tasted very delicious.
This woman said that she has eaten the victims due to her inner desires and if she is given other chance, she would repeat this action again without any interruptions.
Even in prison, she had attacked a female guard, bitten her right hand and swallowed one of her fingers.
I’m sorry, but what is the difference between animal meat and human meat, other than humans are our own species, which means nothing. What she’s done is no different from what happens to animals in factories every single fucking day.

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Obviously it's different from eating animals. That is the most illogical thing I've ever heard. Killing a human being is murder dipstick. Feel for the animals, that's great. Don't compare a fellow human being to an animal.
I totally agree with your comment at the end!
Don't compare human beings to animals? We are animals, asshat.
This story is from 2006 get a new story people
Are there seriously people out there that agree with the last part of this article? Imbeciles. You're actually comparing the murder of HUMANS against animals? Really!? Well, if that's the case, those of you who do, deserve to be eaten. Idiots!
Meat is meat. You're the idiot.
Animal genocide is an everyday daily thing that became so desensitized. But killing is killing. Murder is murder. Just because we are different species, Don't change the definition of murder and killing
If you think that what this woman did was not the same thing as the consumption of animals, please look up the term "speciesism". This woman is just eating meat for pleasure! Just like how a majority of our population eat meat for pleasure! Except she doesn't discriminate against eating humans.
Darius, you're an imbecile.
Humans are animals.
What makes us any different is the fact that people like you label us as some kind of separate kingdom. We're all in the animalia kingdom, biology doesn't give a fuck about your opinions, doesn't change a thing.
I'm an animal, you're an animal.
Laws are not morals, and laws are not necessarily right. The only thing that laws are, are human made.
Humans are animals, technically it doesn't make sense to say 'comparing humans against animals', because humans are from the animalia kingdom.
Now if you were to say 'comparing humans against the rest of the animals', that would technically be correct... but that just sounds elitist and stupid doesn't it?... Asshole.
With the exception of a few species, most meat-eating species will not eat their own kind. That's the part you all should be focusing on.
The thing that sets us apart from animals is the fact that we have moral standards and animals don't. Normal people don't eat their husbands guilt free.
I would have been proud to have been eaten by her, digested and pooped as a huge steaming shit...POOOOOOO!!!!!
Okay butthurt dweller
The difference between killing and consuming human beings and meat factories is pretty huge and obvious.
Non-human Animals are part of our natural diet. Human beings need meat proteins to grow and develope properly. That's why we eat other animals. however, it is not normal for higher intelligence animals to eat theur own kind. As a matter of fact i can't recall ever seeing natural cannabalism outside of insects.
The only cannibalism I can think of instantly is in hogs. When they taste another hog's blood, they attack that animal and eat its flesh. That's why many hog farmers loose money sometimes. Their young hogs will rough house and play, nipping at each other and may draw blood. They other young gigs attack the injured when they taste, or in some cases smell, the blood.
What she did is fucked up and I prefer to evolve to a different type of Organism rather than reading closet cannibals comment
Your writing skills are terrible
It IS the same thing as eating animals. We've just been conditioned to separate ourselves from them so we can kill, wear, and use them as we please. They are sentient beings as well, and their lives are not ours to take. That photo of the limbs is disgusting.....no different than the butcher shops I pass by full of other dead flesh.
we're are animals but most of us denied and separate ours selves from the old kingdom. We are raised and put to our minds we are superior of all living being. Nature given us free equal source for living but alot of us claimed it's ours. Its her desire I have no right to judge.
Completely agree with you Darius, anyone calling you an imbecile needs to double check the meaning of the word. Animals are NOT cannibalistic, there are only a handful of species known to be cannibals, even then it's only occasionally they will eat they're own species. As humans, we are capable of logical thought, compassion, empathy and we live by MORALS not by laws. What are people not understanding? Do those of you who think cannibalism is acceptable have dreams of being a serial killer? Come on. She took the lives of over 30 girls and her own fucking husband. HER OWN FUCKING HUSBAND. Can anyone imagine killing someone they love, just because you only like human meat? Killing them and eating them? I'm sorry but anyone who says cannibalism is no different to animals, you need to do your research because you obviously don't know shit and it's honestly a worry that you don't see a problem with this.
So eating animals is OK? They are slower, dumber, and good with garlic. The Japanese hearded dolphins in to a cove for slaughte, and coconsumption. They are considered to be intelligent. But people are off limits? Laws, schmaws, I say eat what is in the way. Do you think an elk wants to be shot and eaten? Unless it's suicidal, probably not. Soylent green, it's the future.
I agree. There is no difference between human and animal meat. I love and respect all animals, they have every right to live free just as everybody else does. Hence forth, I am vegan.
anyone who supports this has a fucked up mind just like her's period!!!!
murderers have mental problems. and this is far worse. i pitty people who agrees with her they definitely need to see a doctor or a psychiatrist.
EAT ME!!!!!
Ok, so if there was a butt, then there was a little sex. Would that make it buttsex?
the consumption of human flesh is incredibly different from the consumption of other animals. Most particularly because of the concentration of nerve cells that we share with what is being eaten, which leads to person eating it mentally deteriorate. It is not the same as what "happen every day in factories" because we are eating a different animal. The same reason why other animals don't eat their own kind (obviously there are a few exceptions), it is unnatural and extremely unhealthy for one species to eat members of the same species. The fact that you would even entertain for a moment the fact that it is the same is completely unfounded and fucking absurd. You clearly have no fucking idea what you are talking about and are a complete and total fucking idiot.
I think it is a mental disorder in which she desires to eat this rubbish? How could a normal person can do this thing?
Dude, do you have to turn every fucking shit with the word "meat" in it, in fucking "vegan propaganda"?
"Which means nothing"? Being from the same species?
Dude, that's specism and you are freaking stupid.
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You should look see some more Animal Planet, a lot of species eat their own kind, even their babies.
I would be proud to be eaten by her, well digested and then pooped out of her slimy indonesian anus as a huge steaming bum sausage. I hope I land in a pool of her twat slime and that she turns and looks at my remains, holds her nose and laughs contemptuously at the monster smelly turd she has made me into.
...I got an erection from reading your post. I also want her to digest me...dissolve me with her stomach acid and absorb me into her intestines....so that I become a part of her body.
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Fuck you, 'Darius' - you worthless cunt. Animals are above humans, especially hopeless parasites like yourself.
what a world we live in, human eating human
mehn, dat aint rite
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humans are animals its just that humans knows what's right and act according to what he think is right and not by his instinct as an animal alone. We belong to the same kingdom but we think and act as what GOD designs as, survival of the fittest do not apply always to humans.
animals eat their babies when they're hungry because they don't have the capacity to distinguish right from wrong, they follow their instinct, they eat when they are hungry and they are going to eat anything, humans don't. We make choices, we are a complex being. Is it ok for you to be called as an animal by someone else?? Do you do things because you just feel to do it ?
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